

Applications for the school year 2022-2023 are open

Round 1

Generation OM has established a Scholarship Endowment Fund at the Foundation for Seminole State College of Florida where applicants have numerous options for affordable quality higher education. Please use the following link and follow the instructions to apply:

Fall Term: Apply June 15 - July 15

Spring Term: Apply October 1-31

Summer Term: Apply March 1 -31

Applications for other Colleges - Universities:

An online application that includes short essay questions about community service, education, and Hinduism.

DEADLINE FOR UNIVERSITY: Midnight on Sunday, March 31, 2022

Round 2

Applicants who advance to the final round will interview with the Generation OM Grant Award Committee. At this stage, applicants will also be asked to submit high school transcripts and the names and contact information for two non-related references.